Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on The Laramie Project

On Saturday, October 5th, I attended the play, â€Å"The Laramie Project†. At first, I was not really excited to see this play. It was a Saturday night and I hate going to any kind of theatre, including movie theatres. However, I thought this play was well done and I actually enjoyed the play. The play begins as a research group first descends on the small town of Laramie Wyoming. This western town of about 26,000 people had been rock by the beating of a gay man by two other heterosexual men. The man that was beaten savagely, Mathew Sheppard, was still in the hospital in critical condition. The group was in the town researching the town people and their feelings towns this crime. As the play progresses, the interviewees begin to realize that this town is like many towns in America. They begin to see that this savage beating could have happened anywhere. Towards the end of the after Matthew Sheppard has died, the two men accused of the crime went to two separate trials. One of the men pleads guilty in return for life imprisonment. The other man went to trial and was convicted, however, Mathew Sheppard’s father emotionally pleaded in behave of his son that the man not be sentenced to death. By the end of the play, the research group had realizes that this murder was not because of the town that Mathew Sheppard grew up in, but because of the views and prejudices of an entire country. I personally think that entire was very impressive. What I was impressive with was the actual pace of this play. It seemed to me that this play never stopped and it was very continuous. I’m not just saying this because my instructor contributed to the play; I’m saying this because the way the play was done seemed to be very difficult to me. I’m not a real theatre buff, but I do think that this was not an easy play for the actors to act. It was a long play and I think that it takes highly skilled actor to perform a play with so many characters at t... Free Essays on The Laramie Project Free Essays on The Laramie Project On Saturday, October 5th, I attended the play, â€Å"The Laramie Project†. At first, I was not really excited to see this play. It was a Saturday night and I hate going to any kind of theatre, including movie theatres. However, I thought this play was well done and I actually enjoyed the play. The play begins as a research group first descends on the small town of Laramie Wyoming. This western town of about 26,000 people had been rock by the beating of a gay man by two other heterosexual men. The man that was beaten savagely, Mathew Sheppard, was still in the hospital in critical condition. The group was in the town researching the town people and their feelings towns this crime. As the play progresses, the interviewees begin to realize that this town is like many towns in America. They begin to see that this savage beating could have happened anywhere. Towards the end of the after Matthew Sheppard has died, the two men accused of the crime went to two separate trials. One of the men pleads guilty in return for life imprisonment. The other man went to trial and was convicted, however, Mathew Sheppard’s father emotionally pleaded in behave of his son that the man not be sentenced to death. By the end of the play, the research group had realizes that this murder was not because of the town that Mathew Sheppard grew up in, but because of the views and prejudices of an entire country. I personally think that entire was very impressive. What I was impressive with was the actual pace of this play. It seemed to me that this play never stopped and it was very continuous. I’m not just saying this because my instructor contributed to the play; I’m saying this because the way the play was done seemed to be very difficult to me. I’m not a real theatre buff, but I do think that this was not an easy play for the actors to act. It was a long play and I think that it takes highly skilled actor to perform a play with so many characters at t...

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