Saturday, November 2, 2019

Business peer review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business peer review - Essay Example The labeling is clear and the table of content is functional. This improves the quality of the report. The author attempts to justify the study. He provides an appropriate background information about the problem. This way, he succeeds in explaining the relevance of the report by outlining the nature of the problem. Do the author’s recommendations seem to follow from the information he or she has presented? Are the recommendations based on sound reasoning, and are they clearly written with the intended audience in mind? The recommendations are consistent with his research findings. They strive to resolve the problem he alludes to in the first paragraphs. This way, he maintains coherence to the topical issue and the problem he introduced in the first paragraph. The writing style is clear and concise thus making the report both cohesive and coherent. He uses simple yet descriptive language. This enhances the quality of the paper since it targets a wider

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