Thursday, March 19, 2020

How to Remain Calm and Avoid Power Struggles

How to Remain Calm and Avoid Power Struggles You know the circumstance all too well, a child disrupts you or the class or doesnt want to adhere to rules, routines or your instructions. You reprimand the child who then becomes defiant and refuses your request outright. Before you know it, youre engaged in a power struggle. In no time you send the student to the office or have somebody from the office come to collect the student. What have you gained? The term for this is Short term relief but long term grief. There are no winners in a power struggle. Do what the great teachers do - avoid power struggles. Unfortunately, the classroom is the place where power struggles can occur on a frequent basis because teachers are always wanting our students to comply with things they would prefer not to do. However, think of your strategy as getting commitment rather than compliance. Here are some of the tricks that will help you to avoid power struggles: Remain Calm, Do Not Become Defiant Dont over-react. You are always modeling appropriate behaviors in all that you do. Do not show your anger or frustration, believe me, I know this can be difficult but it is a must. A power struggle requires 2 people, so you cannot engage. You do not want to escalate the students behavior. Remain calm and composed. Save Face Dont center the student out in front of their peers, this is very important to the child. It is never good to humiliate the child in front of their peers and you wont build positive relationships if you do. When you respond with an Ive had enough of you speaking out, off to the office with you or If you dont stop that, Ill.......... youll gain nothing. These kinds of statements often escalate a situation in a negative way. You need to think of the end result and statements like this in front of the childs peers will make him more confrontational and a power struggle is more likely to occur. Instead, get the rest of the class working to enable you to have a one to one conversation with the disruptive student just outside the classroom door or quietly at the childs desk. Do not engage with anger, frustration, power or anything that may intimidate the student, it is more likely to escalate the disruptive behavior. Try to validate the students need, I can see why you are angry about....b ut if you work with me, well talk about his later...... After all, your goal is to calm the student, so model the calmness. Dis-engage Do not engage the student. When you model confrontation you will naturally end up in a power struggle. Regardless of how stressed you are - dont let it show. Dont engage, after all, the disruptive student is usually seeking attention and if you give the attention, youve given the student a reward for acting negatively. Ignore minor behaviors, if the student is acting in such a way that a response is required, simply use a matter of fact comment (Jade, your comment isnt appropriate, lets talk about it later and carry on. If its more severe: Jade those comments you made surprise me, youre a capable student and can do better. Do you need me to call the office? At least this way, they make the choice. Deflect the Student's Attention Sometimes you can re-focus the student by ignoring what was said and ask if the specific assignment is done or if the student has something that needs finishing. A little later you might have a one to one with the student suggesting that you didnt appreciate the interruption earlier that disrupted the rest of the class but that youre happy to see him/her working productively again. Always re-focus on what matters. Ask the student how the problem can be resolved, make the student part of the solution. Chillax Time Sometimes it is important to allow the child a chilling out time. Quietly ask the child if a quiet time elsewhere is needed. A buddy classroom or study carrel might just be enough. You may wish to tell him to take some chillaxing time and remind him/her that youll talk when theyre feeling up to it. Wait Time Allow some time for the child to calm down before determining what the consequence will be. This helps to de-escalate the anger the child may be feeling. If you can use humor in the de-escalation process, all the better and it will help you out of a power struggle. Remember the golden rule: Up, down and up again. For instance Jade, youve had such a terrific day, Ive been so proud of you. I dont understand why you are choosing not to follow instructions now. Perhaps Ill give you 5 minutes to think about it and youll be that terrific person I know you to be. Up, down, up. Use common sense and know when to be flexible enough to compromise.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Byzantine Civilization of the Middle Ages

Byzantine Civilization of the Middle Ages In the fifth century AD, the mighty Roman Empire fell to invading barbarians and complex internal pressures. The land that had been centrally governed for centuries disintegrated into numerous warring states. The safety and privileges enjoyed by some residents of the empire vanished to be replaced by a constant state of danger and uncertainty; others merely traded one set of daily terrors for another. Europe was plunged into what Renaissance scholars would label a dark age. Yet Byzantium remained. The Empire of Byzantium was the eastern portion of the Roman Empire, which was divided in 395 A.D. Its capital of Constantinople, located on a peninsula, was naturally secure from invasion on three sides, and its fourth side was fortified with a network of three walls that withstood direct attack for over a thousand years. Its stable economy provided a strong military and, together with an abundant food supply and advanced civil engineering, a high standard of living. Christianity was firmly entrenched in Byzantium, and literacy was more widespread there than in any other nation in the middle ages. Although the predominant language was Greek, Latin was also fairly common, and at one point all seventy-two of the worlds known languages were represented in Constantinople. Intellectual and artistic endeavors thrived. This is not to say that the Byzantine Empire was an oasis of peace in the desert of the perilous middle ages. On the contrary, its long history is marked by numerous wars and remarkable internal strife. Its official borders expanded and shrank several times as its rulers attempted to restore the empire to its former glory or fought off invaders (or occasionally attempted both simultaneously). The penal system was so harsh as to be viewed by western crusaders no strangers to mutilation and other extreme measures in their own systems of justice as exceedingly cruel. Nevertheless, Byzantium remained the most stable nation of the middle ages. Its central location between western Europe and Asia not only enriched its economy and its culture but allowed it to serve as a barrier against aggressive barbarians from both areas. Its rich historiographical tradition (strongly influenced by the church) preserved ancient knowledge upon which splendid art, architecture, literature and technological achievements were built. It is not an altogether unfounded assumption that the Renaissance could not have flourished were it not for the groundwork laid in Byzantium. The exploration of Byzantine civilization is undeniably significant in the study of medieval world history. To ignore it would be akin to studying the classical era without considering the cultural phenomenon of ancient Greece. Unfortunately, much (but thankfully not all) historical investigation into the middle ages has done just that. Historians and students often focused on the fall of the Western Roman Empire and the numerous changes in Europe without ever once glancing at Byzantium. It was often mistakenly believed that the Byzantine Empire was a static state that had little impact on the rest of the medieval world. Fortunately, this view is changing, and a great wealth of information concerning Byzantine Studies has recently been produced much of it available on the net. Selective Byzantine TimelineHighlights from the dynastic history of the Eastern Roman Empire. Byzantine Studies IndexA multilevel directory of useful sites about the people, places, art, architecture, religious history, military history and general history of the Eastern Roman Empire. Also includes maps and useful resources for the professional. Suggested ReadingUseful and informative books about the Eastern Roman Empire, from general histories to biographies, art, militaria, and other fascinating topics. The Forgotten Empire is copyright  © 1997 by Melissa Snell and licensed to Permission is granted to reproduce this article for personal or classroom use only, provided that the URL is included. For reprint permission, please contact Melissa Snell.